FloridaBlue - Modernizing Transaction Processing System 

Case Study: Modernizing Florida Blue's Transaction Processing System with Edifecs 


Florida Blue, a leading health insurance provider, faced limitations with its legacy WebSphere COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) system. The system struggled to keep pace with increasing transaction volumes, evolving compliance regulations, and Florida Blue's growing need for efficiency. Partnering with Intellisoft Technologies, a specialist in healthcare data integration and system modernization, Florida Blue embarked on a successful journey to modernize its transaction processing system. The Edifecs Smart Trading Platform emerged as the solution, enabling Florida Blue to achieve significant improvements in efficiency, compliance, and scalability. 


Project Overview 

1. In-Depth Planning and Assessment 

Intellisoft initiated the project with a comprehensive planning and assessment phase, meticulously examining both the existing system and Florida Blue's desired future state. 

2. Secure and Scalable Environment Setup 

Establishing a robust, secure, and scalable infrastructure was crucial for the success of the project. 

3. Streamlined Data and Configuration Migration 

Migrating data and configurations from WebSphere to Edifecs involved a streamlined approach to minimize disruption and ensure data integrity. 

4. Development and Customization with a Microservices Focus 

The development phase focused on creating a scalable, efficient, and integrated solution leveraging a modern microservices architecture. 

5. Rigorous Testing for Reliability and Performance 

A rigorous testing phase was conducted to ensure the reliability and performance of the new system before deployment. 

6. Minimized Downtime Deployment 

The deployment phase involved careful planning to minimize disruption to Florida Blue's ongoing operations. 

7. Ongoing Support for Continuous Improvement 

Post-deployment activities focused on ensuring continuous operation, optimizing performance, and supporting Florida Blue's team. 

Results and Benefits 

The modernization of Florida Blue's transaction processing system yielded significant and measurable results: 


The modernization of Florida Blue's transaction processing system was a resounding success. Through a collaborative partnership with Intellisoft and a well-defined project plan, Florida Blue achieved significant improvements in efficiency, compliance, and scalability. The project serves as a valuable case study for healthcare organizations considering similar system modernizations, highlighting the importance of careful planning, a robust solution, a skilled implementation partner, and ongoing support. 


Based on the success of Florida Blue's project, here are some recommendations for organizations considering similar healthcare transaction processing system modernizations: 

Timeline Consideration 

The project duration for a similar system modernization could range from 6 to 12 months, depending on the complexity of the existing system, the desired level of customization, and the organization's size. 


While specific costs can vary depending on the factors mentioned above, healthcare system modernization projects can typically range from $5 million to $40 million. 

Call to Action 

Is your healthcare organization facing similar challenges with its transaction processing system? If you are looking to improve efficiency, ensure compliance, and prepare for future growth, consider a system modernization project. Contact Intellisoft Technologies today to discuss your specific needs and explore how they can help you achieve your healthcare data processing goals.